Isaiah: Salvation is of the LORD
Isaiah: Salvation is of the LORD
Guest Preachers
Guest Preachers
Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun
Ecclesiastes: Life Under the Sun

The Book of Ecclesiastes takes us to a place we know we should be but are reluctant to go. The place of sober reflection upon the fleeting futility of life “under the sun.” It is only after such needed reflection that we are able to look above the sun, to heaven, and to grasp our eternal hope.

Living in the Light
Living in the Light

The Apostle John was the disciple that Jesus loved deeply. And who better to write concerning the Christian life being a life of love and obedience, and the assurances we have in Christ of not only our new life in Christ, but also our adoption as children of God.

Jesus's High Priestly Prayer

Before his arrest Jesus lifts his eyes to heaven and prays out loud to his Father in heaven. This prayer provides a window into the glory of God in our salvation, and our triune God’s ongoing faithfulness to his covenant people.

The I AM Statements of Jesus
The I AM Statements of Jesus

The most important person to know is Jesus Christ. In the seven I AM statements of Jesus found in John’s gospel Jesus reveals in a multifaceted manner who he is for us and this world.
