
Grace Teams

Our vision at Grace Presbyterian Church is “to see Long Island awakened to the glory of Jesus Christ.”


We believe that we will see this vision fulfilled when we focus our energy and resources to REACH the lost, BUILD community, GROW disciples, SERVE our neighbors, and in all things WORSHIP God. 

Our Grace Teams, therefore, are made up of the REACH Team, BUILD Team, GROW Team, SERVE Team & WORSHIP Team.


We live in an age where people do not like to admit they are lost under any circumstances. Even more, people cry “judgementalism” when we present the truth of Scripture that all are lost and all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Jesus said that he “came to seek and to save that which is lost” (Luke 19:10), and he commands us to do the same. Grace Presbyterian Church seeks to reach the lost by sharing the gospel boldly and winsomely. We desire to be a church that has a passion for reaching the lost and is prepared for the task. If you would like more information, email Adriana Pariz.


God made us for relationships with him and with each other. Therefore we flourish in our faith not in isolation but in community. As a result of sin, we often hunger paradoxically for deep, meaningful relationships and for seclusion. The gospel changes and empowers us to love and accept others as Christ does us. Christ has given every Christian spiritual gifts and natural abilities and passions that are unique to each of us. These gifts are given for the building up of the body of Christ. The more we develop and use our gifts in gospel centered community, the more Christ’s purposes for us are fulfilled, the more joy we experience, and the more glory we give to God. If you would like to find out more about our Build Team, please email Lesley Middlekauff.


Discipleship is the lifelong calling of every Christian wherein they mature in Christlikeness. Being a disciple is not an optional part of the Christian life; it is Christ’s call and command for all who follow him. Christians who are spiritually mature must intentionally invest their lives to nurture the faith and obedience of those who are new or unseasoned in their faith. Jesus purposely and patiently discipled a limited number of men over three years, and they in turn made disciples as well. Because discipleship was a priority for our Lord, and because he commands us to be disciples and make disciples, discipleship is a priority at Grace Presbyterian Church. To find out more, email Adriana Pariz.


Jesus tells us that the Father “makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matt. 5:45). Our Lord’s ministry consisted of both words and deeds. Serving our neighbors entails investigating the particular needs of our community and seeking to bring meaningful, God-glorifying relief. For more information, email Sharon Kerr.


Worshipping God means that we recognize and rejoice in God’s supreme worth. Like the angels in heaven, all true worshipers say, “You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power” (Rev. 4:11). Worship is about more than what we do on Sundays; it concerns our attitudes and our actions throughout all of life. Paul wrote, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). While we seek to honor God in all of life, our gathering together on Sundays is special. Our worship service is a visible, audible, tangible celebration of God’s great love for us and an expression of our love for him. If you would like more information, email Hannah Faye Huizing.


If you would like to find out more about these and how you can become a part of them, please email Lesley Middlekauff.