ListenDownloadAug 08, 2021The MissionaryPreacher: Andrew BarberKeywords: missions, holy spirit, early church, exclusivityPassage: Acts 8:1-8
ListenDownloadJul 25, 2021The Way of HumiliationPreacher: Andrew BarberKeywords: persecution, holy spirit, humility, early churchPassage: Acts 6:8-7:1
ListenDownloadJul 18, 2021Counted WorthyPreacher: Andrew BarberKeywords: persecution, suffering, perseverance, authoritiesPassage: Acts 5:17-42
ListenDownloadMay 23, 2021Audience of OnePreacher: Andrew BarberKeywords: church, community, holy spirit, vanity, deceptionPassage: Acts 4:32-5:14
ListenDownloadApr 18, 2021The True Story CommunityPreacher: Andrew BarberKeywords: church, community, holy spirit, fellowship, pentecostPassage: Acts 2:42-47
ListenDownloadMar 28, 2021You are the Man!Preacher: Andrew BarberKeywords: gospel, holy spirit, repentance, pentecostPassage: Acts 2:22-41
ListenDownloadFeb 28, 2021Disciples of All NationsPreacher: Andrew BarberKeywords: evangelism, holy spirit, great commission, pentecostPassage: Acts 2:1-21
ListenDownloadNov 29, 2020Already But Not YetPreacher: Andrew BarberKeywords: advent, suffering, waitingPassage: Romans 8:12-30
ListenDownloadNov 08, 2020The Journey Is Too Great For YouPreacher: Andrew BarberKeywords: hope, depression, dependence, god's fatherly lovePassage: 1 Kings 19:1-8