Family History
Family History

Every family or group of friends has a collection of stories that gets repeated all the time; when a guest comes into the group, these are often the first stories they are told.  Whether they are heroic, tragic, or simply entertaining, they remind the group of who they are, where they have been, and where they are going.  For the church, the book of Acts functions like those stories.  Together, we will look at the book of Acts to have a better understanding of our family history... and what it means for our family's future.   

Discipleship Launch
Discipleship Launch

The great calling of the church, and therefore the great calling of all Christians is that we would be disciples who make disciples. We are launching GraceGroups discipleship at Grace Presbyterian Church so that we will be faithful to our Lord’s calling.

Resurrected Living
Resurrected Living

Faith in the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ doesn’t just mean that our sin has come to an end, but even more so, that our life has a new beginning. We are risen with him and therefore the life we live in the body is now a new, resurrected life in Christ.

Guest Preachers
Guest Preachers
